Freedom of Information Act & Privacy Act Division

Welcome to the Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Division. The Freedom of Information Act is a federal statute that provides the public the right to request access to federal agency records.

This division is responsible for processing all Army CID investigations and military police reports pursuant to the FOIA and Privacy Act.

This office maintains Army CID investigations and U.S. Army Military Police Reports. ​If you are looking for criminal records related to another branch of service, contact the office responsible for that specific branch.

We do not maintain personnel records, medical records, or court/trial records.

We are obliged to disclose all of the record unless it or portions of it are exempt from disclosure by the ► Department of Justice Freedom of Information Act Exemptions.

A FOIA request can be made for any agency record and you may also specify the format in which you wish to receive the records.

A FOIA request does not require this directorate to do research for you, to analyze data, to answer written questions, or to create records in response to a request.

Media: If you are a member of the media or are looking to request your own records or records on another individual for personal use please fill out and submit an ► Army CID FOIA request form. 

Stars & Stripes: if you are a journalist assigned to Stars & Stripes, send an email to 
✉: to file a discretionary request form. 

Next of Kin: If you are the next of kin for a deceased Soldier and wish to request a copy of their investigation, fill out and submit a ► Next of Kin FOIA Request.

The Privacy Act is also a federal statute that requires that records or information about you to be accurate, timely, and relevant and except for certain situations we have posted in the Federal Register, bars us from disclosing information we have about you to anyone without your permission.

A Privacy Act request will need to be filed if you would like to see what records we have on you, if any. You would also file a Privacy Act request to petition a change in your record to so that the information is accurate, relevant, timely, or any combination of the three.

Expungement Requests: If you are seeking to have your Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division record amended/expunged based on the probable cause determination according to Department of Defense Instruction 5505.7 and the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act, please do so by completing the Privacy Act Request to Change Records form on this page.

If you are not satisfied with the response from this office please contact the FOIA/Privacy Act Office at ☎: 1-571-305-4261 or ✉: Army CID FOIA/Privacy Act Office.

Make sure you are requesting the correct records by visiting our ► Army CID Records Request information webpage.

FOIA Offices

Office hours: Normal hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, and closed on weekends and federal holidays unless otherwise indicated.

Army CID FOIA/Privacy Act Office
27130 Telegraph Road
Quantico, VA 22134
☎ 24hr: 1-571-305-4261
✉: Army CID FOIA/Privacy Act Office
ATTN: Records Management Directorate
9301 Chapek Rd. Bldg 1458
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5605
☎: 1-571-515-0306
Website: HQDA CIO FOIA Office
U.S. Government FOIA Office
Office of Information Policy (OIP)
U.S. Department of Justice
441 G St, NW, 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20530

FOIA Requests

Freedom of Information Act Request 
If you are requesting records on a third party individual or incident please fill out an ► Army CID FOIA request form.
Next of Kin FOIA Request 
If you are requesting information for a deceased Soldier and are the next of kin please fill out a ► Next of Kin FOIA Request form.
Third Party FOIA Request
If you are requesting information on behalf of someone else please fill out a ► Privacy Act Consent form.

Privacy Act

Privacy Act Request 
If you are requesting records on yourself please download and fill out a ► Privacy Act Request form.

Note: A scanned copy of a state or government issued ID is required when submitting this form.

Privacy Act Request to Change Records
If you are requesting an amendment to your official record please download and fill out a ► Privacy Act Request to Change Records form.

Note: A scanned copy of a state or government issued ID is required when submitting this form.

Privacy Act Appeal of Denied Amendment
If you are requesting an appeal to your denied amendment please download and fill out a ► Privacy Act Appeal of Denied Amendment form.

Please read ► Criteria for Amending DACID Records to check your eligibility to amend your record.