The Army Reserve CID Special Agent must meet the following qualifications, some waivers are allowed.
A physical profile (PULHES) of 111111 [waivers considered].
Normal color vision, based upon a PIP examination [no waivers].
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery qualifying scores [no waivers]:
- A minimum score of 107 in aptitude area ST.
- A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area GT.
Minimum age of 21 [no waivers].
Must be a U.S. citizen [no waivers].
Time in service requirements:
- A minimum of two years.
- A maximum of ten years [waivers considered].
Minimum of 60 credit hours from an accredited institution [no waivers].
Minimum of two years civilian law enforcement experience or one year of US Army active duty Military Police experience [no waivers].
Must possess and maintain a valid state motor vehicle operator license.
No record of lost time or having received less than an honorable discharge.
No court-martial convictions.
No record of any disciplinary action under UCMJ which indicates behavior inconsistent with the high standards of an Army CID Special Agent.
Suitable character, integrity, reputation, sobriety, discretion, and stability as established by a Single Scope Background Investigation and other information developed during the application process.
Maintain eligibility for a Top-Secret clearance.
No record of pre-trial intervention or conviction by military or civil court of the following:
- Any offense involving force or violence
- Any major misconduct offense or charges considered felonies under the local law regardless of disposition.
No pattern of behavior or actions that is reasonably indicative of a contemptuous attitude toward the law or other duly constituted authority.
Must be able to speak and write clearly to express questions, conduct interviews, and present information when testifying.
No medically diagnosed history of alcoholism, psychotic disorders, or antisocial behavior.
Must be deployable worldwide and able to execute all tasks associated with the Army CID mission.
Must be approved for entry into the program by the Director, Army CID.
Must complete the 15-week Army CID Special Agent Course, at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and awarded MOS 31D.
Must complete a 6-month field training period to receive full accreditation in MOS 31D.
If you meet the above listed qualifications and are interested in pursuing a career as a Reserve 31D Special Agent click here to start the process ► Reserve Agent Survey.
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