Career Opportunities

Whether you are looking for career advancement, a new occupation, or just starting out, Army CID has the career program for you.

Army CID is a complex organization and relies on a diverse, highly skilled workforce. From Special Agents and Forensic Scientists to Cyber Investigators and Human Resources, each of our positions play a critical role in the nation's premier investigation agency. Check out what we have to offer and in return, we will show you how you can serve your country and change this world for the better.

For employment and employee benefit questions visit:
► General Employment Frequently Asked Questions
► Employee Benefit Information

Now Hiring! GS-1811-11 to 13 Executive Protection Agents (click here)

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What does a Special Agent do?

An Army CID Special Agent conducts or supervises investigations of incidents, and offenses or allegations of criminality that have a Department of Defense nexus and a U.S. Army interest.

Special Agents support civilian leadership and military commanders around the world with independent, felony level forensic and criminal investigative support, on and off military installations.

Special Agents process crime scenes, collet evidence, and conduct interviews with victims, witnesses, and suspects. They investigate general crimes on property and persons, sexual abuse and harassment, and economic crimes such as contract fraud. They conduct counter drug operations as well as operations to catch child exploitation and child sexual abuse offenders. 

There are three paths to become an Army CID Special Agent, click on the one that applies to you:

► Civilian Special Agent
► Active Duty Special Agent
► Army Reserve Special Agent 


Questions? Visit the ► Special Agent Frequently Asked Questions section on this webpage or send an email to ✉: Ask Army CID Recruiting

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Civilian Special Agent Requirements

Civilian Special Agent Age Limitations

CID Special Agents have a mandatory retirement age of 57.

To achieve the required 20 years of service for retirement, Special Agents must enter on duty no later than the day before their 37th birthday. Applicants are encouraged to apply for a Special Agent positions prior to their 36th birthday to allow time to complete the Special Agent hiring process.

Age waivers will be considered in accordance with the provisions in ► DoDI 1400.25 Volume 336.


Basic Qualifications and Requirements

Must not have reached 37 years of age (exceptions are preference eligible veterans and those currently covered under the 6c federal law enforcement retirement system).

Must be a U.S. citizen.

Must have a valid driver's license.

Adhere to standards of conduct and maintain honesty and integrity.

Undergo a background investigation, credit checks, drug testing, and mental health screening.

Pass a medical exam, which includes but is not limited to, meeting visual and hearing standards.

Obtain and maintain a top secret sensitive compartmented information (SCI) security clearance.

Complete and graduate from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center’s (FLETC), Criminal Investigation Training Program (CITP), or be a graduate of another certifying academy consistent with agency policy.

Be prepared for worldwide assignments throughout your career which may require temporary or long-term relocation.

Work a schedule that may include irregular hours, nights, weekends, 24/7 on-call availability, and a minimum 50 hours per week.

Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.

Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants.

Competitive candidates for the position of special agent will have at a minimum a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.

Interested? Fill out our ► Talent Network Questionnaire

Questions? ✉: Ask Army CID Recruiting

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Active Duty Special Agent Requirements

The Active Duty Army CID Special Agent must meet the following qualifications with NO WAIVERS.

Specialist, Sergeant, and Staff Sergeant Only.

A physical profile (PULHES) of 111111.

Normal color vision, based upon a PIP examination.

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery qualifying scores:

- A minimum score of 107 in aptitude area ST.
- A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area GT.

Minimum age of 21.

Must be a U.S. citizen.

Time in service requirements:

- A minimum of two years.
- A maximum of ten years.

Minimum of an associate's degree from an accredited institution.

Must possess and maintain a valid state motor vehicle operator license.

No record of lost time or having received less than an honorable discharge.

No court-martial convictions.

No record of any disciplinary action under UCMJ which indicates behavior inconsistent with the high standards of an Army CID Special Agent.

Suitable character, integrity, reputation, sobriety, discretion, and stability as established by a Single Scope Background Investigation and other information developed during the application process.

Maintain eligibility for a Top-Secret clearance.

No record of pre-trial intervention or conviction by military or civil court of the following:

- Any offense involving force or violence
- Any major misconduct offense or charges considered felonies under the local law regardless of disposition.

No pattern of behavior or actions that is reasonably indicative of a contemptuous attitude toward the law or other duly constituted authority.

Must be able to speak and write clearly to express questions, conduct interviews, and present information when testifying.

No medically diagnosed history of alcoholism, psychotic disorders, or antisocial behavior.

Must be deployable worldwide and able to execute all tasks associated with the Army CID mission.

Must be approved for entry into the program by the Director, Army CID.

Must complete the 15-week Army CID Special Agent Course, at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and awarded MOS 31D.

Must complete a 6-month field training period to receive full accreditation in MOS 31D.

Do you meet all these qualification with no waivers? If so click here to start the application process ► Army CID MOS 31D Questionnaire


Questions? ✉: Ask Army CID Recruiting

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Army Reserve Special Agent Requirements

The Army Reserve CID Special Agent must meet the following qualifications, some waivers are allowed.

A physical profile (PULHES) of 111111 [waivers considered].

Normal color vision, based upon a PIP examination [no waivers].

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery qualifying scores [no waivers]:

- A minimum score of 107 in aptitude area ST.
- A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area GT.

Minimum age of 21 [no waivers].

Must be a U.S. citizen [no waivers].

Time in service requirements:

- A minimum of two years.
- A maximum of ten years [waivers considered].

Minimum of 60 credit hours from an accredited institution [no waivers].

Minimum of two years civilian law enforcement experience or one year of US Army active duty Military Police experience [no waivers].

Must possess and maintain a valid state motor vehicle operator license.

No record of lost time or having received less than an honorable discharge.

No court-martial convictions.

No record of any disciplinary action under UCMJ which indicates behavior inconsistent with the high standards of an Army CID Special Agent.

Suitable character, integrity, reputation, sobriety, discretion, and stability as established by a Single Scope Background Investigation and other information developed during the application process.

Maintain eligibility for a Top-Secret clearance.

No record of pre-trial intervention or conviction by military or civil court of the following:

- Any offense involving force or violence
- Any major misconduct offense or charges considered felonies under the local law regardless of disposition.

No pattern of behavior or actions that is reasonably indicative of a contemptuous attitude toward the law or other duly constituted authority.

Must be able to speak and write clearly to express questions, conduct interviews, and present information when testifying.

No medically diagnosed history of alcoholism, psychotic disorders, or antisocial behavior.

Must be deployable worldwide and able to execute all tasks associated with the Army CID mission.

Must be approved for entry into the program by the Director, Army CID.

Must complete the 15-week Army CID Special Agent Course, at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and awarded MOS 31D.

Must complete a 6-month field training period to receive full accreditation in MOS 31D.

If you meet the above listed qualifications and are interested in pursuing a career as a Reserve 31D Special Agent click here to start the process ► Reserve Agent Survey.


Questions? ✉: Ask Army CID Recruiting

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Human Resources

Human Resources Management
The duties of these positions are to advise on, administer, supervise, or perform work involved in the various phases of human resources management. Plan, administer, and evaluate a variety of personnel programs in the personnel functional areas that cross traditional personnel management functional lines (i.e., Position Management and Classification, Management-Employee Labor Relations, and Recruitment and Placement). Serve as a resource person in the researching of civilian personnel problems and in providing solutions or courses of actions to be taken in complex or difficult matters.

Interested? Fill out our ► Talent Network Questionnaire

Questions? ✉: Ask Army CID Recruiting

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Non-Special Agent Law Enforcement & Security

Law Enforcement
These positions duties are to advise on, administer, supervise, or perform inspection, investigation, enforcement, or compliance work primarily concerned with alleged or suspected offenses against the laws of the United States, or such work primarily concerned with determining compliance with laws and regulations.

Specialty Areas for Law Enforcement include

Fraud: Includes positions that apply professional accounting and auditing knowledge, standards, and principles when conducting activities related to the detection of fraud, waste and abuse.

Forensic Science: Includes positions that provide forensic laboratory services in the areas of Drug Chemistry, Digital Evidence, DNA, Firearms/Toolmarks, Forensic Documents, Latent Prints, and Trace evidence to the DoD’s investigative agencies and other federal law enforcement agencies.

Cyber: Includes positions that apply strategy, policy, and standards regarding the security of and operations in cyberspace, and encompassing the full range of threat reduction, vulnerability reduction, deterrence, international engagement, incident response, resiliency, and recovery policies and activities, including computer network operations, information assurance, law enforcement, diplomacy, military, and intelligence missions as they relate to the security and stability of the global information and communications infrastructure.

Security Administration
The primary duties of these positions are analytical, planning, advisory, operational, or evaluative work that has as its principal purpose the development and implementation of policies, procedures, standards, training, and methods for identifying and protecting information, personnel, property, facilities, operations, or material from unauthorized disclosure, misuse, theft, assault, vandalism, espionage, sabotage, or loss.

Interested? Fill out our ► Talent Network Questionnaire

Questions? ✉: Ask Army CID Recruiting

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Criminal Analyst
Army CID Criminal Analysts identify and analyze the most significant threats to the safety and security of the United States Army. Analysts are integral members of investigations and prosecutions teams; responsible for criminal analysis and intelligence work in support of a geographical and/or functional areas. Providing investigative and/or intelligence support by conducting trend analysis, statistical review and special projects involving data from a variety of sources. Analysts conduct routine intelligence-related tasks in support of ongoing investigative, inspection and intelligence activities. As an analyst you will also often present the findings of your research and analysis through finished criminal intelligence products, both written and orally.

Interested? Fill out our ► Talent Network Questionnaire

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Forensic Examiner (Chemist)
Includes all positions that require full professional education and training in the field of chemistry. This work includes the investigation, analysis, and interpretation of the composition, molecular structure, and properties of substances, the transformations which they undergo, and the amounts of matter and energy included in these transformations.
These positions require, at a minimum, a bachelors degree in the field you are interested in.

Interested? Fill out our ► Talent Network Questionnaire

Questions? ✉: Ask Army CID Recruiting

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Cyber / Information Technology

Includes positions that apply strategy, policy, and standards regarding the security of and operations in cyberspace, and encompassing the full range of threat reduction, vulnerability reduction, deterrence, international engagement, incident response, resiliency, and recovery policies and activities, including computer network operations, information assurance, law enforcement, diplomacy, military, and intelligence missions as they relate to the security and stability of the global information and communications infrastructure.

Information Technology
Includes positions where the paramount requirement is knowledge of IT principles, concepts and me such as data storage, software applications, networking. Information technology refers to systems and services used in the automated acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, assurance, or reception of information. Information technology includes computers, network components, peripheral equipment, software, firmware, services, and related resources.


Interested? Fill out our ► Talent Network Questionnaire

Questions? ✉: Ask Army CID Recruiting

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Administrative Services

Administrative, Clerical & Office Services
Includes positions where duties are to administer, supervise, or perform work involved in management analysis; typing, correspondence, and secretarial work; mail and file work; the operation of office appliances; the operation of communications equipment, and procurement of the most effective and efficient communications services; and other work of a general clerical and administrative nature.

Interested? Fill out our ► Talent Network Questionnaire

Questions? ✉: Ask Army CID Recruiting

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Special Agent Frequently Asked Questions
General Employment Frequently Asked Questions
Employee Benefit Information