Laboratory Service Information
"Justitia Per Scientia" - Justice Through Science. The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation
Laboratory is the Department of Defense’s only full-service criminal forensic laboratory and is located on the Gillem Enclave in Forest Park, Georgia.
USACIL provides state of the art forensic laboratory services to all Department of Defense Military Criminal Investigation Organizations and other federal law enforcement agencies in the following disciplines:
• Drug Chemistry: Identification of controlled and prohibited substances.
• Trace Evidence: Collection, preservation, and evaluation of trace evidence; coatings, paints, and polymers; explosives; fire debris and ignitable liquids; firearm discharge residues; glass; hair; lubricants; miscellaneous materials; physical fit; pressure sensitive tape; textile fabrics, fibers, and ropes and cordage.
• DNA: Nuclear DNA and biological screening.
• CODIS: USACIL is the Combined DNA Index System program manager for the Department of Defense. CODIS stores and searches DNA profiles developed from convicted offender and arrestee samples.
• Forensic Documents: Handwriting analysis, indented writing, differentiation of inks, printing processes, and shredded documents.
• Latent Prints: Friction ridge examinations, Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) searches, footwear and tire track examinations.
• Digital Evidence: Digital forensics, forensic audio, video and image analysis, forensic photography, and 3D crime scene mapping.
• Firearms and Toolmarks: Firearm examination, distance determination, serial number restoration, and toolmarks.
• Forensic Case Management: Coordinate evidence submissions, in-process and return evidence, ensure appropriate forensic testing on items, and conducts collection/preservation activities as needed.
USACIL has been continuously accredited as a forensic laboratory since 1985. Previously, under the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors / Laboratory Accreditation Board and, since January 2011, international accreditation to ISO / IEC 17025. The laboratory’s accreditation is currently issued by the ANSI National Accreditation Board to the ISO/IEC 17025 Forensic Testing program.
USACIL also provides specialized training to Special Agents and Investigators through the Special Agent Laboratory Training Course, and Trial / Defense Counsels through the Trial or Defense Counsel Assistance Programs. Forensic Examiners and Analysts from the USACIL testify in federal, military, and state courts as well as multi-national courts.
Read: A short history of the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory.
The following links are only accessible using a DoD Common Access Card (CAC)
Evidence Submission Guide:
► USACIL Evidence Collection, Preservation and Submission Guide
Additional laboratory information (Training, Lab Talks videos, Case Status):
► USACIL SharePoint (CAC access only)
CODIS Support
The USACIL provides Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) support for official purposes using a CAC enabled request system.
► CODIS SharePoint (CAC access only)
If you cannot access any of the links above and are a DoD CAC holder, please see the following instructions at:
► CAC Access Process for USACIL SharePoint.
Legal Support
The USACIL provides legal support for official purposes in support of criminal investigations. To submit a request for legal support, please choose from the following forms:
► Discovery Request Form
► Witness Request Form
► Court Testimony Feedback Form
Unsure who to contact?
Please send an email to ✉: USACIL Headquarters and we can provide you with information or guide you to the correct subject matter expert.
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
4930 North 31st Street, Forest Park, GA 30297
Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays, closed on weekends and federal holidays.
☎: 1-404-469-4631 | DSN: 312-797-4631
✉: USACIL Headquarters