The Forensic Exploitation Department is located on the Gillem Enclave in Forest Park, Georgia. The FXD deploys scalable and modular forensic exploitation teams to provide the joint force commander or combatant command with a deployable forensic capability. The forensic exploitation team is sourced by the FXD with highly qualified Department of the Army Civilian scientists. The forensic exploitation team supports forensic analysis in remote locations and utilizes reach back to U.S. based forensic capability in the Global Forensic Exploitation Center on the Gillem Enclave.
Forensic exploitation teams can work out of in-place hard stand buildings or can deploy with exploitation laboratories. The capability is scalable, modular, and adaptable to support a commander’s needs, and can adjust to infrastructure availability. They can also deploy as one or two-person teams to augment a commander’s staff and support training exercises and partner nation engagements. When a deployable forensic laboratory capability is required, a forensic exploitation team deploys in a laboratory that can be scaled to meet any size operational requirement.
Forensic Exploitation Department
4930 North 31st Street, Forest Park, GA 30297
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, closed on weekends and federal holidays.
☎: +1-404-469-7254 | DSN: 312-797-7254
✉: Forensic Exploitation Department