SEOUL, Republic of Korea –
Representatives from the Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division, Far East Fraud Resident Unit attended the 3rd Korea-U.S. Workshop on Antitrust Criminal Enforcement in Seoul, Republic of Korea, February 26, 2024.
This annual workshop was held so U.S. and Republic of Korea law enforcement and legal agencies could share cases of criminal and civil sanctions related to antitrust activities in both countries, and discuss emerging issues. The key speaker for the U.S. was Manish Kumar, the Department of Justice, Antitrust Division’s Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Criminal Enforcement.
Kumar was joined by the Antitrust Division’s San Francisco Section Chief Leslie Wulff, and Trial Attorney Sarah Bartels of the Washington D.C. office. Together they presented an overview on U.S. antitrust law, Department of Justice antitrust operations, and key case studies to their Republic of Korea counterparts from the Seoul Prosecutors’ Office, Ministry of Justice, and Korean Fair-Trade Commission.
Representing Army CID at the workshop were Supervisory Special Agent Simon Park, Special Agent Derrick Lee, and Special Agent Vince Makiling.
Republic of Korea, Shin Shin-yong, Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office, said in his opening speech, "As the fair-trade field also needs to establish a close cooperation system and joint response to transnational crimes, I hope that this event will be a venue for valuable information exchange."
Crime is not confined to the perimeters of Army installations or international borders and workshops like this strengthen national and international partnerships by sharing and discussing tactics and techniques, to help identify, disrupt, dissuade, and dismantle criminal activities.