Records Request

Criminal Justice Information Directorate will only process official Law Enforcement and Government Agency requests and will not process media, personal, next of kin, prosecutor and district attorneys, or expungement requests.

Media, personal, next of kin, prosecutor and district attorneys’ requests: visit ► Army CID FOIA/Privacy Act webpage for more information.

Expungement Requests: If you are seeking to have your record expunged based on the probable cause determination according to Department of Defense Instruction 5505.7 and the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act, visit ► Army CID FOIA/Privacy Act webpage for more information.

Recruiter Assistance Program (RAP): If you were assigned as an Army Recruiter and titled in a Army CID investigation, visit ► Recruiter Assistance Program (RAP) Records Request webpage.

For official Law Enforcement and Government Agency criminal or employment investigations visit ► Criminal Justice Information Systems Department.

For official Law Enforcement and Government Agency records requests visit ► Crime Records Department.